The Search for Happiness: Psalm 1

Read Psalm 1

We all long for happiness, but it often feels just out of reach. We chase after achievements, relationships, or experiences, hoping they’ll fill the void. Psalm 1 invites us to a different path—one of lasting fulfillment. It contrasts the way of the righteous, who delight in God’s law, with the way of the wicked, who chase fleeting pleasures. The righteous are like trees planted by streams of water, constantly nourished and fruitful, while the wicked are like chaff, easily blown away and forgotten.

This psalm sets the tone for the entire book of Psalms, presenting life as a journey shaped by God’s Word. It challenges us to meditate on Scripture, not just to gain knowledge but to experience transformation. Ultimately, this psalm points to Jesus, the Blessed One who perfectly delighted in God’s law and invites us to share in His joy. In Christ, we find the fulfillment that worldly pursuits can never provide.

Where are you seeking happiness? Is it in success, popularity, or entertainment? These things are not wrong, but they cannot satisfy your soul. This week, spend 10 minutes each day meditating on Scripture, allowing God’s Word to shape your desires. Start with Psalm 1, reflecting on what it means to delight in God’s law. Additionally, evaluate where you might be pursuing empty pleasures and choose one practical way to shift your focus to God—such as limiting social media or seeking joy in serving others.

Transform Our Heart Through Prayer:
Father, we confess how easily we chase after fleeting happiness. Help us to delight in Your Word and find true joy in Your presence. Jesus, You are the source of our fulfillment. Holy Spirit, transform our hearts to seek lasting happiness in You alone. Amen. 
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