Guided Learning for


ACNA Catechism

Confirmands learn the essentials of the Christian faith as presented in "To Be a Christian," the official ACNA catechism. Confirmands can either purchase a copy or download it for free.

Introduction Videos

Confirmands will explore the main topics of the catechism through a series of videos produced by various ACNA churches.

Review Guides

Confirmands will process the main ideas in the catechism with the help of review guides.

Additional Resources

Confirmands are provided with additional resources to further explore the catechism.

Two Ways to Learn

Confirmands may complete the Guided Learning in a process group with other confirmands (highly recommended) or individually with a sponsor. The process group will meet six times prior to the bishop's annual visit. 

2) Videos & Guides

Part I: Beginning with Christ

• Read "The Gospel" and "Turning to Christ" (TBC, p. 20 - 21)

• Review questions/answers 1 - 17 (TBC, p. 23 - 26)

Part II: Believing in Christ

• Read "The Apostles' Creed and the Life of Faith" (TBC, p. 29-30)

• Watch videos below

• Review questions/answers 18 - 153 (TBC, p. 30 - 63)

Part III: Belonging to Christ

• Read "The Lord's Prayer and the Christian Life" (TBC, p. 65-66)

• Watch videos below

• Review questions/answers 154 - 255 (TBC, p. 66 - 87)

Part IV: Becoming like Christ

• Read "Becoming Like Christ" (TBC, p. 89-90)

• Watch videos below

• Review questions/answers 256 - 368 (TBC, p. 91 - 114)

3) Additional Resources 


J.I. Packer and Gary Parret, Grounded in the Gospel: Building Believers the Old-Fashioned Way (Baker, 2010).   
Catechism in Family Prayer (Next Generation Leadership Initiative).
Alex Fogleman, “What is Catechesis?” Anglican Compass (2018).
Alex Fogleman, “What is Confirmation?” Anglican Compass (2018).