Welcome to Daily Word, a page for daily devotions and further resources to strengthen your daily prayer life. Each week, we share inspiring devotions based on the readings from Sunday worship to deepen your faith, guide your prayers, and help you connect with God in meaningful ways. In addition to the daily devotions, you'll find tools and resources to support daily prayer and spiritual growth. Explore Daily Word and make devotion and prayer a central part of your daily walk with God.

Daily Devotions Explained

The devotions for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday are based on the Sunday Lectionary readings from the preceding Sunday. The Old Testament reading is the focus of Mondays, the Psalm on Tuesdays, the New Testament on Thursdays, and the Gospel on Fridays. The focus of Wednesdays is the catechism of the Anglican Church in North America.

Anglican Church In North America Sunday Lectionary

To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism

Further Resources for Daily Prayer, Study, and Spiritual Growth

The Daily Office

The Daily Office is a historic practice of praying four times daily that has been practiced by God's people for thousands of years. In his book Simply Anglican, Winfield Bevins writes:

 The Daily Office originated from the Jewish practice of daily prayer in the Old Testament. God commanded the Israelite priests to offer sacrifices of animals in the morning and evening (see Exodus 29:38-39). As time went on, the Jewish people began to follow Torah readings, psalms, and hymns at fixed hours of the day… Based on this routine, Christians began to order their prayer life around these times of the day.
The link provided will bring you to a page that has the readings and prayers already set up for your convenience. We also have the daily office page linked on our app.

Sermon Discussion Questions

It is good and right to study the Scriptures individually and together with God's people. Therefore, to make the sermons go farther for you in your faith journey we provide discussion questions when the media file for each sermon is published on our site. These questions are designed for use in a small group, and an accompanying small group agenda will help you facilitate your time. Questions are found with each sermon meda file (if applicable) on our sermon page.